My College has two 10Mb connections to two ISPs. The campus has 4 Class C networks from the one ISP. 202.128.71.x 202.128.72.x 202.128.73.x 202.128.79.x The Router has the .1 on all 4 networks. The second ISP connects to the same router, but links via the IP address The routing all goes the the router, and thru some systems, some IP addresses go normal route, and others seem to be NATed thru the other ISP. I have no ideal on how they have it configure. Now for what I have running. Had a squid server running on that uses the Main ISP and that has worked fine. I then setup a second Squid on that is routed thru the other ISP. So, the computers in my Classroom can use either of the two ISPs based on which squid server they are set to us. This works OK, and if one checks the load on the networks, one can use the one least used. Is there a way to set the squid servers so they can use both paths most efficently. +----------------------------------------------------------+ Michael D. Setzer II - Computer Science Instructor Guam Community College Computer Center mailto:mikes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mailto:msetzerii@xxxxxxxxx Guam - Where America's Day Begins +----------------------------------------------------------+ (Original) Number of Seti Units Returned: 19,471 Processing time: 32 years, 290 days, 12 hours, 58 minutes (Total Hours: 287,489) BOINC@HOME CREDITS SETI 7,619,743.5373 | EINSTEIN 2,437,972.5409 | ROSETTA 855,715.2563