Geez - what an off day - forgot to change the Subject and to add that it's
going to be working as a transparent proxy.
On Mon, 6 Apr 2009, Pieter De Wit wrote:
When you are confidant about this going, we can move on to the HTTPS and
failover questions.
Hi Guys,
Sorry that I am "dropping" in on this thread, but it reminded me that I need
to find this out.
I am working on a "active-active" firewall for a customer. It will be two
Linux boxes (Gentoo for now) running VRRP to publish a virtual IP. I have
done the firewall setup so that connections can failover between the boxes
(takes about 30 seconds - I am sure the heartbeat can be set to less) but it
works ok :)
Now - the tricker part. Let say someone is currently busy with a download,
can squid do a failover of the connection ? If so, mind pointing me to the
setup docs ?
If this is going to be a feature to add to squid, then I am happy to take it
to the dev mailing list and "propose" something there.
Please accept my best attempt at ASCII art :)
| eth2 |eth2
___|___ ___|___
| NODE1| |NODE2|
| | --eth1---eth1--| |
---|--- ---|---
| eth0 |eth0
eth0 - Private LAN
eth1 - heartbeat,failover and ICP LAN
eth2 - Internet