Incidentally, Symantec has now issued a fix for this, which changes the behavior of the LiveUpdate client so that it will accept the HTTP/1.0 responses that the proxy generates. Just in case anyone finds the archives of this thread while searching for a solution to the problem, I will include a link here (even though it's not strictly relevant to the operation of Squid itself): I've tested this, and with the fix applied LiveUpdate once again works through our Squid proxy. Ultimately, long-term, any software that implements either side of HTTP ought to fully support HTTP 1.1. But for now LiveUpdate is working. -- $\=$/;$=+=$^F**$^F;$:=chr$=;s;; ############################### Visit: ;;($_)=map{$_}reverse split/\// ;s!(?=[.])!$:gmail!;print if$=;