Hi, I already used squid succesfully as reverse proxy on linux SLES and the first question is about that: I noticed that squid seems to be not caching if a parent cache_peer is configured in squid.conf, is that normal or there any kind of trick to let squid cache pages once retrieved from the caceh parent (back-end server on the reverse action)????? So in general, how must squid be configurated to cache objects once retrieved from another cache???? The second real important question is about squid+redirector+viruscan. I have as available environment only windows and I found two solution always with squid playing the main role. The first solution is Squid+Safesquid+Clamav. Just Safesquid as free use allow only connection for max 5 user. I´m searching really desperately a redirector for squid in windows!I need cause clamav is not standalone and it doesn´t icap (and c-Icap is available only in linux!!!) ! The second solution is squid with IWSS from Trenmicro.....but I must honestly say I´m not satisfy: the scanning as lot of problem and once the files are downladed IWSS doesn´t serves the files!!!:-( So I would really be thankful if anyone could help me with anykind of advice to find anykind of redirector (or another way) to send what pass through squid into a scanning action to check all come from internet. I´m getting a bit frustrating.... Thanks in advance