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squid TPROXY and empty access.log

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I've a problem to log client request activities when Squid is in TPROXY mode.
In squid.conf I have 'access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid',
this file is correctly created but results empty.

# ls -la /var/log/squid/

-rw-r----- 1 proxy proxy      0 24 mar 16:09 access.log
-rw-r----- 1 proxy proxy 413659 24 mar 16:09 cache.log
-rw-r----- 1 proxy proxy      0 24 mar 16:09 referer.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  proxy      6 24 mar 16:09
-rw-r----- 1 proxy proxy      0 24 mar 16:09 store.log

If I remove 'tproxy' option from http_port in squid.conf it seems work
(access.log is correctly written) but I lose the TPROXY Ip spoofing

Is this a bug?
There is a way to log client request activities in tproxy mode? I need
this feature to use Sarg in this environment.

Thanks in advance.

Here some details:

# uname -r

# squid -v
Squid Cache: Version
configure options:  '--enable-linux-tproxy' '--enable-linux-netfilter'
'--enable-ssl' '--with-openssl=/usr/include/openssl/'
'--enable-default-err-language=Italian' '--disable-htcp'
'--with-large-files' '--prefix=/usr' '--exec_prefix=/usr'
'--bindir=/usr/sbin' '--sbindir=/usr/sbin' '--libdir=/usr/lib/squid'
'--libexecdir=/usr/lib/squid' '--docdir=/usr/share/doc/squid'
'--datarootdir=/usr/share/squid' '--datadir=/usr/share/squid'
'--sysconfdir=/etc/squid' '--localstatedir=/var/spool/squid'
'--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--with-logdir=/var/log/squid'
'--enable-inline' '--enable-async-io=8' '--with-pthreads'
'--enable-storeio=ufs,aufs,diskd' '--enable-removal-policies=lru,heap'
'--enable-snmp' '--enable-delay-pools' '--enable-cache-digests'
'--enable-underscores' '--enable-icap-client' '--enable-referer-log'
'--enable-useragent-log' '--enable-follow-x-forwarded-for'
'--enable-auth=basic,digest,ntlm' '--enable-basic-auth-helpers=NCSA'
'--with-filedescriptors=65536' '--with-default-user=proxy'
--with-squid=/usr/src/squid- --enable-ltdl-convenience

# iptables -V
iptables v1.4.3-rc1

# iptables -t mangle -L
target     prot opt source               destination
DIVERT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            socket
TPROXY     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp
dpt:www TPROXY redirect mark 0x1/0x1

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

target     prot opt source               destination

Chain DIVERT (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination
MARK       all  --  anywhere             anywhere            MARK xset
ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere

# cat /etc/squid/squid.conf
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl localnet src     # RFC1918 possible internal network
acl localnet src  # RFC1918 possible internal network
acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network
acl SSL_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 80          # http
acl Safe_ports port 21          # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443         # https
acl Safe_ports port 70          # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210         # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280         # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488         # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591         # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777         # multiling http
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow localnet
http_access deny all
http_port 3128 tproxy
#http_port 3128
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
refresh_pattern ^ftp:           1440    20%     10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher:        1440    0%      1440
refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0     0%      0
refresh_pattern .               0       20%     4320
coredump_dir /var/spool/squid/cache
cache_effective_user proxy
cache_effective_group proxy
access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid
cache_store_log /var/log/squid/store.log
referer_log /var/log/squid/referer.log
log_access allow all
cache allow all

# squid -X -d1 -N
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| command-line -X overrides: ALL,7
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| CacheManager::registerAction: registering legacy mem
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| CacheManager::findAction: looking for action mem
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| Action not found.
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| CacheManager::registerAction: registered mem
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| CacheManager::registerAction: registering
legacy squidaio_counts
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| CacheManager::findAction: looking for action
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| Action not found.
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| CacheManager::registerAction: registered
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| CacheManager::registerAction: registering legacy diskd
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| CacheManager::findAction: looking for action diskd
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| Action not found.
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| CacheManager::registerAction: registered diskd
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| aclDestroyACLs: invoked
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type src
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| ACL::FindByName 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| ACL::FindByName found no match
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| ACL::Prototype::Factory: cloning an object
for type 'src'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| aclIpParseIpData: all
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| ACL::FindByName 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.955| Processing Configuration File:
/etc/squid/squid.conf (depth 0)
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| Processing: 'acl manager proto cache_object'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type proto
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| ACL::FindByName 'manager'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| ACL::FindByName found no match
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'manager'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| ACL::Prototype::Factory: cloning an object
for type 'proto'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| Processing: 'acl localhost src'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type src
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| ACL::FindByName 'localhost'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| ACL::FindByName found no match
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'localhost'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| ACL::Prototype::Factory: cloning an object
for type 'src'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| aclIpParseIpData:
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| Processing: 'acl to_localhost dst'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type dst
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| ACL::FindByName 'to_localhost'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| ACL::FindByName found no match
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'to_localhost'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| ACL::Prototype::Factory: cloning an object
for type 'dst'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| aclIpParseIpData:
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| Processing: 'acl localnet src
 # RFC1918 possible internal network'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type src
2009/03/24 16:04:06.957| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::FindByName 'localnet'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::FindByName found no match
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'localnet'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::Prototype::Factory: cloning an object
for type 'src'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| aclIpParseIpData:
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| Processing: 'acl localnet src
 # RFC1918 possible internal network'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type src
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::FindByName 'localnet'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'localnet'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| aclIpParseIpData:
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| aclIpAddrNetworkCompare: compare: (  vs
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| aclIpAddrNetworkCompare: compare: (  vs
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| Processing: 'acl localnet src
 # RFC1918 possible internal network'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type src
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::FindByName 'localnet'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'localnet'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| aclIpParseIpData:
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| aclIpAddrNetworkCompare: compare: (  vs
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| aclIpAddrNetworkCompare: compare: (  vs
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| Processing: 'acl SSL_ports port 443'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::FindByName 'SSL_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::FindByName found no match
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'SSL_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::Prototype::Factory: cloning an object
for type 'port'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 80            # http'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::FindByName found no match
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::Prototype::Factory: cloning an object
for type 'port'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 21            # ftp'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 443           # https'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.958| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 70
 # gopher'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 210           # wais'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535
 # unregistered ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 280
 # http-mgmt'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 488
 # gss-http'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 591
 # filemaker'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| Processing: 'acl Safe_ports port 777
 # multiling http'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| Processing: 'acl CONNECT method CONNECT'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type method
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::FindByName 'CONNECT'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::FindByName found no match
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'CONNECT'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::Prototype::Factory: cloning an object
for type 'method'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| Processing: 'http_access allow manager localhost'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'manager'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::FindByName 'manager'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'localhost'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::FindByName 'localhost'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| Processing: 'http_access deny manager'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'manager'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| ACL::FindByName 'manager'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| Processing: 'http_access deny !Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.959| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Processing: 'http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'CONNECT'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| ACL::FindByName 'CONNECT'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'SSL_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| ACL::FindByName 'SSL_ports'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Processing: 'http_access allow localnet'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'localnet'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| ACL::FindByName 'localnet'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Processing: 'http_access deny all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| ACL::FindByName 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Processing: 'http_port 3128 tproxy'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| http(s)_port: found Listen on Port: 3128
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| http(s)_port: found Listen on wildcard
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Starting IP Spoofing on port
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Disabling Authentication on port
(Ip spoofing enabled)
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Processing: 'hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Processing: 'refresh_pattern ^ftp:
 1440    20%     10080'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Processing: 'refresh_pattern ^gopher:  1440
 0%      1440'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Processing: 'refresh_pattern -i
(/cgi-bin/|\?) 0       0%      0'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Processing: 'refresh_pattern .         0
 20%     4320'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Processing: 'coredump_dir /var/spool/squid/cache'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Processing: 'cache_effective_user proxy'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Processing: 'cache_effective_group proxy'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Processing: 'access_log
/var/log/squid/access.log squid'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Log definition name 'squid' file
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Processing: 'cache_store_log /var/log/squid/store.log'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Processing: 'referer_log /var/log/squid/referer.log'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Processing: 'log_access allow all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| ACL::FindByName 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.960| Processing: 'cache allow all '
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| ACL::FindByName 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| ACL::FindByName 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| ACL::FindByName 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| ACL::FindByName 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| ACL::FindByName 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| ACL::FindByName 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| wccp2_add_service_list: added service id 0
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| aclParseAccessLine: looking for ACL name 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| ACL::FindByName 'all'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| uniqueHostname:  Config: '
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| getMyHostname: 'netflow' has rDNS.
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| uniqueHostname:  Config: '
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| acl_access::containsPURGE: invoked for
'http_access allow manager localhost'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| acl_access::containsPURGE: can't create tempAcl
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| acl_access::containsPURGE: can't create tempAcl
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| acl_access::containsPURGE: can't create tempAcl
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| acl_access::containsPURGE: can't create tempAcl
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| acl_access::containsPURGE: can't create tempAcl
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| acl_access::containsPURGE: can't create tempAcl
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| acl_access::containsPURGE: can't create tempAcl
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| acl_access::containsPURGE:   returning false
2009/03/24 16:04:06.961| Initializing https proxy context
2009/03/24 16:04:06.964| Using SSLv2/SSLv3.
2009/03/24 16:04:06.965| Setting RSA key generation callback.
2009/03/24 16:04:06.965| Setting certificate verification callback.
2009/03/24 16:04:06.965| Setting CA certificate locations.
2009/03/24 16:04:06.965| leave_suid: PID 11891 called
2009/03/24 16:04:06.965| leave_suid: PID 11891 giving up root, becoming 'proxy'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.965| Stopping full transparency: Missing needed
capability support.
2009/03/24 16:04:06.965| command-line -X overrides: ALL,1
2009/03/24 16:04:06.966| Starting Squid Cache version for
2009/03/24 16:04:06.966| Process ID 11891
2009/03/24 16:04:06.966| With 1024 file descriptors available
2009/03/24 16:04:06.966| Initializing IP Cache...
2009/03/24 16:04:06.966| ipcacheAddEntryFromHosts: Bad IP address '::1'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.966| ipcacheAddEntryFromHosts: Bad IP address 'fe00::0'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.967| ipcacheAddEntryFromHosts: Bad IP address 'ff00::0'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.967| ipcacheAddEntryFromHosts: Bad IP address 'ff02::1'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.967| ipcacheAddEntryFromHosts: Bad IP address 'ff02::2'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.967| ipcacheAddEntryFromHosts: Bad IP address 'ff02::3'
2009/03/24 16:04:06.967| DNS Socket created at, FD 5
2009/03/24 16:04:06.967| Adding domain from /etc/resolv.conf
2009/03/24 16:04:06.967| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
2009/03/24 16:04:06.967| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
2009/03/24 16:04:06.968| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2009/03/24 16:04:07.234| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 11
2009/03/24 16:04:07.238| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite
every 3600/3600 sec
2009/03/24 16:04:07.238| Swap maxSize 0 KB, estimated 0 objects
2009/03/24 16:04:07.238| Target number of buckets: 0
2009/03/24 16:04:07.238| Using 8192 Store buckets
2009/03/24 16:04:07.238| Max Mem  size: 262144 KB
2009/03/24 16:04:07.238| Max Swap size: 0 KB
2009/03/24 16:04:07.238| Using Least Load store dir selection
2009/03/24 16:04:07.239| Set Current Directory to /var/spool/squid/cache
2009/03/24 16:04:07.335| Loaded Icons.
2009/03/24 16:04:07.336| Accepting  spoofing HTTP connections at, FD 13.
2009/03/24 16:04:07.336| HTCP Disabled.
2009/03/24 16:04:07.337| Squid modules loaded: 0
2009/03/24 16:04:07.337| Adaptation support is off.
2009/03/24 16:04:07.337| Ready to serve requests.

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