> I've looked thru the documentation and config examples but can't seem to > find a complete document that uses the following: > > Squid 3.1 > tproxy 4 > iptables 4.0 ** no such iptables release. 1.4.3 was just officially released today. > > I am trying to accomplish setting up squid with tproxy to maintain the > tcp session. i.e. Customer accesses the internet and is transparently > redirected to squid server, but their IP address shows on the internet > instead of the cache servers IP. I have been able to setup squid to run > transparent, however an IP lookup at 'whatsmyip.org' shows me the cache > servers IP address. I have already rebuilt the kernel, and iptables > with the patches. I tried combining the steps for features/TPROXY, > FullyTransparentWithTPROXY, TPROXYPatchingCentos, etc to no avail. I > can see the access log being populated, but only pre-cached info is > returned. Is there any completed/ fully documented article available > for us knuckleheads that describes step by step how this may be > accomplished. Any help would be most appreciated. Kernel 2.6.28+ is also required. The wiki page http://wiki.squid-cache.org/Features/Tproxy4 contains a full step-by step setup for each of the 3 involved softwares. whatsmyip.org uses tricks and tests not related to the TPROXY spoofing which is only known to happen at Layer-2/3 towards the client. You may need tcpdump or similar to catch the raw packets and investigate their src/dst details to view it. Amos