twinturbo@xxxxxxx wrote:
Squid 2.5STABLE12 on SLES10 I know this is quite an old version but it's on our production machine.
Yes. Please bug SLES about using a newer release.
Anyway we have a strange issue where squid seems to be shunting down every 22 minuets or so, the logs says Preparing for shut down after XXX requests. Now every minuet we do a "squid -k reconfigure" as we run squidGuard and it's config can change all the time. This has never seemed to be a problem in the past. I am building up a fresh machine to take over but would like to get this one working properly too. So far I have stoped the store.log being written and got the other logs rotating more than once a day to keep them small. I was previously getting errors about there being to few redirectors so I upped that to 30, I have now set it back down to 10 to see what happens. Rob
"Preparing for shut down after XXX requests" occurs when Squid receives its proper shutdown signal. A clean/graceful shutdown proceeds to follow.
Amos -- Please be using Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE13 Current Beta Squid