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Re: Squid proxy

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> Jan-Frode Myklebust-2 wrote:
>> On 2009-03-06, Merdouille <jgerhards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I need to have a squid conf to allow peaople to acces data from url
>>> like
>>> :
>>> http://mysquidproxy/
>>> or
>>> http://mysquidproxy/img=
>>> and i want mysquid to use cache for
>> I recently had a similar problem, but I solved it using apache instead
>> of squid. Assuming your squid is running on port 3128/tcp, and you have
>> apache listening on 80/tcp. The following apache-config should do what
>> you ask (I think):
>> 	ProxyRequests On
>> 	ProxyRemote * http://localhost:3128
>> 	ProxyTimeout 600
>> 	ProxyPreserveHost Off
>> 	RewriteEngine on
>> 	RewriteRule ^/img=http://(.*) http://$1 [L,P]
>>   -jf
> I tried it for my httpd :
> # Activation du proxy
> ProxyRequests On
> ProxyVia On
> # Les proxy peres
> ProxyRemote *
> # Le timeout
> ProxyTimeout 600
> ProxyPreserveHost Off
> RewriteEngine on
> RewriteRule ^/img=http://(.*) http://$1 [L,P]
> RewriteLog /var/log/httpd/rewrite.log
> RewriteLogLevel 3
> And my squid on the  same computer port 81 :
> visible_hostname moi
> acl	all			src			all
> acl 	white 		dstdomain 	"/etc/squid/white"
> acl 	TRACE 		method 		TRACE
> acl	PUT			method		PUT
> acl	POST		method		POST
> acl 	proxyed 		urlpath_regex -i	"/etc/squid/whitelist"

Are these the only http_access lines?

> http_access 		allow 		white !POST !PUT !TRACE proxyed

Will ONLY match domains in whilelist which *also* contain path segments in
 -> This means apache requests for 
will not match this control.

> http_access 		deny 		!white POST PUT TRACE !proxyed

 --> will always fail to match:
 Request method == "POST" == "PUT" == "TRACE" != true

*** implicit inversion ***
Your squid is handling that list as trailed by an:
  http_access allow all

Which makes your open-proxy behavior.

> http_port	moi:81
> icp_port 	0
> etc
> When i try http://moi/http://somesite/someURL it works but it works for
> every site!
> My dstdomain white list works no more!

To get this going safely with Squid+Apache you will also need to do all of
the following in addition to what you have already done:

1) Trail the list with an explicit "http_access deny all"  to be sure the
set controls only do what you want.

2) add an access control to allow apache requests through

3) setup a second ACL mirroring the 'proxyed' listing, which limits apache
requests only to the requests that are actually allowed.

4) setup a *third* set of access controls on apache. To mirror the
accepted content in 'proxyed' file and block apache from being an
open-proxy in it's own place.


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