Brian Carpenter wrote:
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 8:44 AM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas
<uhlar@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 21.02.09 16:18, Brian Carpenter wrote:
I am blocking access to .google-analytics. on my home network, but a
few sites like require a cookie to be
set in order to function properly. So my question is this, how do I
allow, but only from a certain domain, such as or whatever? I have no clue when it comes to regexp.
you must check for referer in allowed domains.
That's great, but it doesn't explain how I go about doing it. :)
Well, you didn't explain how you are "blocking access to
.google-analytics on your home network"... :o)
We can only give advice in the context of the information given.