Hello, i would like to configure my Squid to send all requests for a given domain to just one (and only one) parent. Unfortunately i can not get this to work. I have two cache_peers, one is my default parent which i must use. The other is the parent just for that special domain. # for special domain cache_peer AA.BB.210.135 parent 3128 7 no-query # # default parent cache_peer AA.BB.154.62 parent 80 7 no-query default Then i have an acl for the domain in question acl Haufe dstdomain .gate.xyz.lsa-net.de http_access allow Haufe cache_peer_access AA.BB.210.135 allow Haufe cache_peer_access AA.BB.210.135 deny all And the statement that all traffic is to route to a parent. never_direct allow all But the requests for [foobar].gate.xyz.lsa-net.de are never routed to the parent which i want. Instead they are going to the default parent which can not respond to them. Could someone please help we with this problem? regards Jörg