polloxx wrote:
On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 10:11 PM, Chris Robertson <crobertson@xxxxxxx> wrote:
polloxx wrote:
Thanks for your answer Chris.
I had to use the syntax like:
su -c "/usr/local/bin/SquidClamAV_Redirector.py -c
/etc/squid/SquidClamAV_Redirector.conf" proxy
Than I saw that I was missing libclamav2.
After installing this libary squid didn't crash anymore, but does
nothing at all.
Squid does nothing at all? What does the cache.log show now?
Make sure Squid is not running and try "squid -DNX". That should skip
the initial DNS tests, keep the process in the foreground and give full
debugging output.