Patrick CAO HUU THIEN wrote:
I have seen questions about this issue in the archive list and the
anwser was
«An FTP proxy is one which:
* provides an FTP server
* relays requests to a backend FTP server where required
* caches files which are requested by the clients
Squid can do two of three but it doesn't provide FTP services at the
present time. I doubt it'd be hard to write something to do it but I
don't think any of the current squid developers have any spare time to
do it.» [1]
Is there any change about FTP reverse proxy on Squid now ?
[1] message of Adrian Chadd Wed, 13 Dec 2006
No change yet.
There is a dedicated FTP proxy called FROX people seem to like.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE5 or 3.0.STABLE12
Current Beta Squid