Wj wrote:
Each page is supposed to be sent with an expiry or cache-control and
Last-modified headers from the web server. To set expiry times for proxy
different to web browsers use the s-* options meaning 'server' for the proxy
I'm sorry but i don't understand what i have to do in squid.conf... !
This part would be a change in your webserver configuration. See
http://www.web-caching.com/mnot_tutorial/how.html for a good overview.
As a backup refresh_pattern can be used to squelch expiry. But that is a
very sub-optimal solution.
How can i do that?
So to cache everything in the /static directory for a week in the
absence of explicit expiry information, you'd use
refresh_pattern ^/static/ 10080 100% 10080
* If * the web srerver has different IPs on each of its listening links...
Two cache_peer entries. One with each of the servers link IPs.
Load balance between the links with 'round-robin'/'weighted-round-robin'
option, or one as 'default' and the other as backup if the main dies.
Ok, i understand! Many Thanks