Marcel Grandemange wrote:
After debugin ate level 3
I realize this error happens when analizin http_reply_access with user
Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz wrote:
Using squid 3 stable 9, with digest ldap auth, randomly i got this:
assertion failed:
later, squid dies
Any comment?
Looks similar to one of the open bugs, but not the same one.
Can you report as a new bug with full stack trace of the assertion and a
detailed cache.log trace leading up to it please?
Are you able to get a stack trace when it occurs?
Apologies, not programmer so no idea what this is.
It's what you get from the core dump that shows whats happening inside
Squid when it breaks.
Here's how to find it:
And what is your full config (without comments) please? If you need to
you can send it privately.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE5 or 3.0.STABLE10
Current Beta Squid