Hi AlL, I get below error while browsing a website. its home page is http://pathiranatimber.mine.nu I get the homepage.. (Sorry , I canNOT give usermame and password) - When I give username and password. It will go to the following page http://pathiranatimber.mine.nu/home.cgi Then , it give below error. The requested URL was not found on this server This is what access log says. 1226568643.800 1468 TCP_MISS/200 4485 GET http://pathiranatimber.mine.nu/ - DIRECT/ text/html 1226568644.134 805 TCP_MISS/200 938 GET http://pathiranatimber.mine.nu/css.css - DIRECT/ text/plain 1226568645.053 891 TCP_MISS/200 385 GET http://pathiranatimber.mine.nu/jpg/arrow03.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1226568645.361 1198 TCP_MISS/200 2164 GET http://pathiranatimber.mine.nu/jpg/login_7.jpg - DIRECT/ image/jpeg 1226568645.517 1354 TCP_MISS/200 2250 GET http://pathiranatimber.mine.nu/jpg/login_5.jpg - DIRECT/ image/jpeg 1226568645.791 1628 TCP_MISS/200 4119 GET http://pathiranatimber.mine.nu/jpg/login_3.jpg - DIRECT/ image/jpeg 1226568646.129 1075 TCP_MISS/200 4102 GET http://pathiranatimber.mine.nu/jpg/login_8.jpg - DIRECT/ image/jpeg 1226568657.218 809 TCP_MISS/200 367 POST http://pathiranatimber.mine.nu/home.cgi - DIRECT/ text/html But, If I bybass squid, It works fine. This is a streaming video site. But, remember, There is NO firewall running. All ports are open. ANY ADVICE -- Thank you Indunil Jayasooriya