Hi, I have (maybee a stupid) question. I have an apache server as reverse proxy, squid as caching server and Zope/Plone as backend servers. Senario: 1) Apache gets a request for my.domain.com 2) Apache does a ProxyPass to my balancer 3) I have 2 "sticky" vhosts in apache which are the balancer members. These are not reachable from the outside, and are called sticky1 and sticky2. These "sticky" vhost creates a cookie, which is uses by the balancer, to decide the sticky server. these sticky vhost forwards the request to Squid. 4) Squid is running @ and 5) Sticky1 vhost proxies a request to http://sticky1.domain.com:3389, sticky2 vhost proxies a request to http://sticky2.domain.com:3389 ( where sticky1.domain.com resolves to and sticky2.domain.com resolves to ) At the moment I have the following configuration: ## Backend server 1 cache_peer parent 8100 0 no-query originserver name=server1 cache_peer_domain server1 sticky1.domain.com ## Backend server 2 cache_peer parent 8100 0 no-query originserver name=server2 cache_peer_domain server2 sticky2.domain.com This results in: a webrequest comes to apache ( without an host-cookie ) on my.domain.com the request will be proxied to a balancermember ( based on the balancing policy ) this vhost creates a cookie ( like: BALANCEID: balancer.sticky1 or BALANCEID: balancer.sticky2 ) the vhosts proxied the request to http://sticky1.domain.com:3389 or http://sticky2.domain.com:3389 -- The request reaches squid -- the request comes to the cache_peer depending on the domain ( sticky1 of sticky2 ) squid delivers the page ( or from cache, or from originserver ) In this case squid can deliver a 500 or 503 if the requested backend server is down. So if my request has a cookie for sticky1.domain.com and originserver is down, the users with this cookie get an error. So if my request has a cookie for sticky2.domain.com and originserver is down, the users with this cookie get an error. What I try, but can't get working: every cache_peer_domain has 2 cache_peers: ## Backend server 1 cache_peer parent 8100 0 no-query originserver name=server1 cache_peer parent 8100 0 no-query originserver name=server2 // This server doesn't have the session information cache_peer_domain server1 sticky1.domain.com ## Backend server 2 cache_peer parent 8100 0 no-query originserver name=server2 cache_peer parent 8100 0 no-query originserver name=server1 // This server doesn't have the session information cache_peer_domain server2 sticky2.domain.com But the cache peer which hasn't the session may only be used it the other cache_peer is down. is the possible with squid 2.6?