Daniel Vollbrecht wrote:
Are the dynamically generated pages given proper expiry information?
(Expires: or Cache-Control: headers)
the dynamically generated page answers with these headers (wget -S):
Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Should this not be ignored by squid because of my following refresh_pattern setting?
The no-cache and expires should be. But the must-revalidate makes squid
send an IMS (If-Modified-Since) request to the server asking if there
are any changes.
If teh server responded with a basic 304, it swoudl show up as IMS_HIT
same as the images. But as a dynamic page its sending back a full new
object turning the result into REFRESH_MODIFIED.
refresh_pattern . 10 80% 30 override-expire override-lastmod ignore-reload ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private
What the TCP_REFRESH_MODIFIED means is that a IMS request was sent to
verify the data, but the server returned a full object with changes
instead of a 304.
The problem is that the CMS is old and bit buggy. Therefore the best solution would be if squid would not care about these headers and cache everything up to 30 min under any circumstances (for read-write access we have a separate sub domain, so that would not be the matter).
You are testing by using the force reload button on the browser right?
Thats sending a must-revalidate request through to Squid which triggers
an IMS.
Right, but at the same time also other requests from other clients show this behaviour. Wo do all requests to dynamic web page content give TCP_REFRESH_MODIFIED:FIRST_UP_PARENT, while all requests to gifs etc. geht a TCP_HIT?
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE5 or 3.0.STABLE10
Current Beta Squid