Jorge Bastos wrote:
I use it as transparent, and users don't need to insert the proxy in the
browser, I simply forward traffic using iptables, so this means that I won't
be able to, correct?
Well the problem with transparent. Is that you won't by nature usually
get domains that are non-resolvable. The clients browser does all that
before ever sending the request.
Of course you can still get requests where a virus has edited the
clients hosts file, or is sending a request itself directly. Or the
requests where the client can resolve DNS for some weird reason your
proxy can't.
But in general intercepted traffic will all resolve.
-----Original Message-----
From: Leonardo Rodrigues Magalhães [mailto:leolistas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: sexta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2008 0:09
To: Jorge Bastos
Cc: 'ML squid'
Subject: Re: Response on non-existing dns name
it's already there in your errors directory ....
but that wont work if your connections are being transparently
intercepted. On this situation, own client machine tries to resolve DNS
and if it cant, the local browser shows it's default error message. If
browsers are configured to use a proxy (squid in your case), then
browsers wont try to solve anything and will simply forward the query
the proxy. So, in this case, proxy can show some error on DNS FAIL or
several other situations.
Jorge Bastos escreveu:
I'd like to show users a custom page when they type a domain that is
non-existent, is this possible?
Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia
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