On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 11:30 AM, İsmail ÖZATAY <ismail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:> Hi,>> I am trying to redirect https traffic to squid for days. 2 weeks ago i sent> a post to this group and tried some advices but could not fix my problem. If> i use server ip and squid port with any browser ( without redirecting https> or ftp port with iptables ) it works ( both https anf ftp ) but when i> redirect https this error accurs ;>> TCP_DENIED/400 2194 GET error:invalid-request - NONE/-> text/html>> After that i used this advice ;>> https_port 443 cert=/etc/squid/cert.pem key=/etc/squid/private.pem>> Last i tried this one that does not work with squid on OpenBSD4.3 ; I use OpenBSD 4.3 I think you are trying to redirect https and ftp. Transparent interception of HTTPS traffic is (by design) not possible.Squid 3HEAD includes a feature called sslbump Pls visit below Urls http://markmail.org/message/5d7rtqbhwwcivkkx?q=transparent+https&page=1&refer=vhkzezxg7n643ik2 http://markmail.org/message/mkgy5jjr6wdthi5k?q=transparent+https&page=1&refer=vhkzezxg7n643ik2 -- Thank youIndunil Jayasooriya