On Tuesday 26 August 2008 02:34:22 pm İsmail ÖZATAY wrote: > Hi , > I am using 2.6.STABLE6 on CentOS 5.2 + squidguard 1.3 & p1,p2,p3 + > berkeley db 2.7. Everything seems ok without any problem but when i use > redirect_program in squid.conf my internal network connect bypassing the > squidguard. I searched something but can not fix it ? Can anybody help > me ? Here is my config; <snip> Hi Ismail, Have a look at your squidGuard.log. Usually squidguard is very verbose when something is not working. Usually the problem lies in wrong permissions on the squidguard db files. Make sure the user squid is running under, can read the db files. HTH, Joop ------------------------------------------------------------ Dit bericht is gescand op virussen en andere gevaarlijke inhoud door MailScanner en lijkt schoon te zijn. Mailscanner door http://www.prosolit.nl Professional Solutions fot IT