Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
On ons, 2008-08-20 at 14:00 +0800, Adrian Chadd wrote:
Run the latest Squid-3.0 ; PRE5 is old and buggy.
Shout at the debian distribution for shipping such an old version.
Nor only old & buggy, also not a stable release for production use only
a pre-release for early adopter testing.
As I explained to people at the meeting this week, Debian and Ubuntu
policy is to not alter their own stable release short of serious
security bugs.
The high-priority security bugs found in squid since PRE5 account for
the five patch releases they have made on the package. It's just missing
countless cleanups, non-security bugs, and features.
But the 'testing' (their RC distribution) release squid is very current,
and should work easily.
Please use Squid 2.7.STABLE4 or 3.0.STABLE8