Hello squid community. This is my first message to the squid mailing list. I am trying to configure a CARP array of reverse proxy squid servers. I have a client in need of a large static content delivery system. You can view a visio jpg of my architecture plan here: http://www.exponentialent.com/squid/squid%20example.jpg. Basically, I will have one static apache server running on box3 port 8080. Then, an array of machines running squid in reverse proxy mode will represent the static web content. As more requests come from users, we will add more squid cache nodes. I have gone back and forth on what protocol to use in order to maximize the efficiency of my squid cache cluster (HTCP, ICP, CARP) and have decided on carp. This article has contributed to my decision: http://www.nedworks.org/~mark/presentations/san/Wikimedia%20architecture.pdf for those interested. The problem I am having is that when I request an object not in cache, the squid nodes are returning 403 errors instead of retrieving the requested object from the origin server. When I run the squid nodes stand-alone without specifying the CARP protocol the squid nodes retrieve content from the origin server correctly. I have not been successful in testing HTCP or ICP, either. I end up with 403 errors, or, both squid nodes will cache the same objects thus defeating the purpose. I have spent many hours reading documentation, examining squid groups, examining the squid mailing list mail archive, reading F.A.Q's, and purchased this book: http://squidbook.org/ however I cannot seem to find a single example of a squid.conf file showing a CARP cluster of reverse proxy squid cache nodes nor have I found fragment examples of conf files that seem to work properly. I'm sure the error in my configuration file is simple, I just can't seem to find it. I have tested many variations and combinations of settings in an attempt to get CARP to work without success. My understanding is that in the event CARP is working and a new request is issued to my squid cluster than the squid node will retrieve and cache the object from the origin server in the event the object is not currently cached anywhere. Then, as subsequent requests come into squid nodes in the CARP cluster, most (if not all) subsequent requests are sent to the original squid node that cached the requested object thus eliminating the same object cached among multiple squid nodes. Any help or direction would be appreciated. I have uploaded outputs of files relevant to my configuration here: First squid node in cluster (Box4:80): http://www.exponentialent.com/squid/box4_cache.log http://www.exponentialent.com/squid/box4_squid.conf http://www.exponentialent.com/squid/box4_access_attempt.txt Second squid node in cluster (Box7:80): http://www.exponentialent.com/squid/box7_cache.log http://www.exponentialent.com/squid/box7_squid.conf http://www.exponentialent.com/squid/box7_access_attempt.txt Origin Server (Box3:8080): http://www.exponentialent.com/squid/box3_access_attempt.txt My environment is a closed LAN of machines all running this version of FreeBSD: FreeBSD box7_testcluster 7.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE #0: Sun Feb 24 19:59:52 UTC 2008 root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC i386 The squid version I am running is: squid-3.0.r1.20071001_1 HTTP Caching Proxy (development version) installed via /usr/ports/www/squid30/make (included CARP,SNMP,KQUEUE) -Rob Williams