From: Amos Jeffries <squid3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Trying to cache no-cache objects
To: bijayant4u@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: "squid users" <squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, 31 July, 2008, 9:48 AM
Hello to list,
I have a requirement to cache non-cachable objects. I
have tried on my
own, googled a lot but could not able to do. Can any
body help me to
achieve this, please. I know that this is against the
HTTP policy, but i
have to do it. Many people have done this i think in
Yes, many have. Which is one reason the www still logs
people into the
wrong bank accounts, email boxes etc. Security means
nothing when its
turned off.
Whoever gave you that 'MUST' needs a good kick.
squid 3.0.7STABLE's squid.conf
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern (cgi-bin|\?) 999999 100% 999999
override-lastmod ignore-no-store ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i
999999 100% 999999 ignore-reload ignore-no-cache
ignore-private ignore-auth
refresh_pattern -i
100% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod
ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private
refresh_pattern -i
\.(gif|jpeg|jpg|swf|png|bmp|pic)$ 999999 100% 999999
override-expire override-lastmod ignore-reload
ignore-no-store ignore-private ignore-auth
refresh_pattern -i
\.(js|css|class|jar|xml|txt|cfm|doc|xls|pdf)$ 999999
100% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod
ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private
refresh_pattern -i
999999 100% 999999 override-expire override-lastmod
ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store ignore-private
refresh_pattern -i
\.(mid|mp[234]|wav|ram|rm|au)(\?.*|)$ 999999 100%
999999 override-expire override-lastmod
ignore-no-store ignore-reload
ignore-no-cache ignore-private ignore-auth
refresh_pattern -i
\.(mpg|mpeg|avi|asf|wmv|wma)(\?.*|)$ 999999 100%
999999 override-expire override-lastmod
ignore-no-store ignore-reload
ignore-no-cache ignore-private ignore-auth
refresh_pattern . 999999 100% 999999
override-expire override-lastmod
ignore-reload ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store
Most of those refresh patterns are duplicates and causing
much slowdown
being processed on every request. This last pattern
'.' by itself can
replace all of your file type patterns.
And the header of the page to which i am trying to
cache is
sessioncookie=f8336e8eb4726523f2f8be76cb7f9be8; expires=Thu,
31 Jul 2008 01:02:46 GMT; path=/
Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
Last-Modified: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 13:02:47 GMT
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0
Pragma: no-cache
When i am accessing this page, in access log i got
1217419381.382 1284
It means that the page is not in the cache. Please
help me i will be very
thankful to you all.
No. It means the object was in cache but squid obeyed the
'must-revalidate' (usually only used on
authenticated pages).
The page itself HAD changed between the last storage time
and the new
request so the server sent a new one. Changing is normal
for no-cache
objects, that is why they are no-cache (ie. "don't
bother wasting disk
In normal web traffic that would be a TCP_MISS.
I really, really, really, hope your squid is not being used
with humans on
the client-side. That caching model is one major disaster
waiting to