Ritter, Nicholas wrote:
Hey all, Can someone correct me if I am wrong, would the following refresh_pattern catch all java jar files and cache them no matter what? refresh_pattern -i \.jar$ 480 20% 4320 ignore-no-cache
Your refresh pattern will only be used in the absence of server supplied expiry information. If you really want to cache all jar files (that end in .jar) the following refresh pattern might work...
refresh_pattern -i \.jar$ 480 20% 4320 ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store override-expire override-lastmod
... or it might set your server on fire. Use it at your own risk. Change the regex to "\.jar(\?.*)" to match jar files with or without GET arguments (i..e. app.jar?client=1234).
I keep getting "TCP_MISS/304 259 GET" access.log entries, and I am not sure why. I checked my cache limits to make sure that I had the cache configured to store something that was that size. My min is set to 0 and my max is set to 4096 in memory and 300MB on disk. This is the Squid 3 HEAD branch, but had the same problem on squid 2.6. At that point it was my assumption that I had the regex wrong. Nick