replying to my own post, it does seem that cachemgr counts number of
objects from all available cache_dirs. in my case, the number of objects
of size 0-16kb was so huge that shifting them to a small 4G coss dir
caused to drop total number of cached objects massively. I've no added 12G
more to the coss dir and the number of objects is now picking up well.
thanks any ways.
On Tue, 22 Jul 2008, Manoj_Rajkarnikar wrote:
Hi all.
I've recently added a coss storage to our cache and is performing great. But
I see that the cachemgr is showing the decrease in storeEntries count and
also the mean object size has increased from ~15k to ~25k. before coss was
introduced, we had 64G of cache_dir split into 2 scsi disks and ~4m objects
in the storage. now we introduced 4G coss dir with max object size of 16k on
a separate sata disk. and after 4 days of operation, coss storage is 82% full
and the cachemgr reports that we only have ~2.4m objects in the storage.
we're using squid 2.7S3.
cache_dir coss /coss/cossfile 4096 block-size=512 max-stripe-waste=16384
cache_dir aufs /sda1/cache0 30720 50 256 min-size=16384 max-size=18874368
cache_dir aufs /sdb1/cache0 30720 50 256 min-size=16384 max-size=18874368
Internal Data Structures:
2412947 StoreEntries
27350 StoreEntries with MemObjects
26900 Hot Object Cache Items
2410991 on-disk objects
Cache information for squid:
Request Hit Ratios: 5min: 37.6%, 60min: 39.8%
Byte Hit Ratios: 5min: 43.3%, 60min: 41.3%
Request Memory Hit Ratios: 5min: 4.9%, 60min: 5.3%
Request Disk Hit Ratios: 5min: 48.3%, 60min: 48.4%
Storage Swap size: 63239875 KB
Storage Mem size: 261712 KB
Mean Object Size: 26.29 KB
does cachemgr count the store entries in coss stores as well??