Henrik Nordstrom escreveu:
On ons, 2008-07-23 at 14:47 +1200, Amos Jeffries wrote:
For bugzilla this extra info will be helpful:
You earlier located the debug message indicating AuthUser. Is that still
present exactly the same? or has it changed?
We are going to have to track down; firstly what object is not being
released, and then why thats happening.
The following is also of interest in the bug report:
squidclient mgr:mem
squidclient mgr:filedescriptors
squidclient mgr:info
squidclient mgr:active_requests
squidclient mgr:openfd_requests
lsof -p pidofsquid
i'll do that. I'll wait this night so i can block squid port (using
iptables, NOT stopping squid), wait all real active users requests to
timeout and then collect some real informations. As i restarted squid
this morning before seeing these messages, maybe i'll have only a few
lost FDs this night. If that happens, maybe i'll collect data next
night. Anyway, i'll file this on bugzilla this week.
thanks for the attention Amos and Henrik.
Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia
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