Hi, I´m going to modify the code in C of the helper mswin_check_ad_group. I just have a little problem already with the original file: compiling, it gives me an error regarding zhe file header mswin_check_ad_group.h, it shows me this line 75 C:\....\squid- 2.7.STABLE\helpers\external_acl\mswin_ad_group\mswin_check_ad_group.h syntax error in macro parameter list line 42 C:\....\squid-2.7. STABLE\helpers\external_acl\mswin_ad_group\mswin_check_ad_group.h syntax error in macro parameter list If someone could help me I´ll be thanksful. It´s quite urgent cause I have to set the query Ad for a DC to only one exact DC where to check! If anyone has also Ideas for this i would be pleasent and reeady to speak about. Thanks a lot in advance Antonio