Amos Jeffries escreveu:
Leonardo Rodrigues Magalhães wrote:
Hello Guys,
This is the third time i have 'Your cache is running out of
filedescriptors' problem with squid 3.0. I have never had similar
problem with 2.5 versions which i was used to use (skipped from 2.5
directly to 3.0)
Which particular sub-version of 3.0 are you using?
This AuthUser message reminds me of a memory leak fixed in STABLE7.
both machines which i had the problem are running 3.0 Stable 6 ....
i'll get them with stable7 and let's see if problems happens again.
Thanks for your reply Amos.
Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia
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