Hello, I m trying to block jpg images and put an OpenBSD gif imageNow all jpg images can't be appear, so it is a good start, but there's no OpenBSD gif that replace jpg images.
Can you help me please? My squid.conf: http_port 3128 visible_hostname proxy.reunion.re cache_mgr here@xxxxx acl all src acl jpgimage urlpath_regex -i "/etc/squid/filetypes.txt" cache_mem 32 MB refresh_pattern . 70% 7200 minimum_object 0 KB maximum_object 4096 KB cache_dir ufs /var/squid/cache 50 16 256 http_access deny jpgimage deny_info http://www.it2l.com/images/sticker-port-openbsd.jpg jpgimage http_access allow all thank's!
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