Hello, Newbie here so please be gentle. I've googled for an answer with no luck. I'm using squid 2.6/stable18. I have a user trying to access a legit ftp site that is requesting a username and password that is being blocked by squid. The stout of the error is below. "ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- An FTP authentication failure occurred while trying to retrieve the URL: ftp://ftp. xxx.xxx.xxx.com/ Squid sent the following FTP command: PASS <yourpassword> and then received this reply Login incorrect. Your cache administrator is xxx.xxx.xxx. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Generated Tue, 15 Jul 2008 19:55:38 GMT by xxx.xxx.xxx (squid/2.6.STABLE18)" Any help is greatly appreciated. If I remove the proxy from the users browser the site appears as expected. Thanks,