Leonardo Rodrigues Magalhães escreveu:
Alexandre augusto escreveu:
Hi guys,
On the access.log the Squid show TCP_DENIED entry to some part of
I´m authenticating my users using NTLM and all entry on access.log
that DENIED part of site do not show the standard domain\username on
only "- -"...
This is the EXPECTED behavior for NTLM authentications: 2 (two)
denied/407 log entries and then the 'allow' hit, some MISS or HIT ....
this is expected and should be FAQqed somewhere.
Note that when using NTLM authentication, you will see two
"TCP_DENIED/407" entries in access.log for every request. This is due to
the challenge-response process of NTLM.
Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia
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