Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
On mån, 2008-07-07 at 07:50 -0500, Thomas E. Maleshafske wrote:
I have successfully implemented a reverse proxy for my http site. My
question is if whether or not there is an option so that it accepts on
the basis of the domain basically instead of having www.example.com just
have example.com and it will serve and of the sub domains if it exists.
Appreciate the assistance.
Maybe you are looking for the vhost option, enabling host/domain based
virtual hosts?
Still relies on a web server actually implementing these...
I have the vhost directive defined but am still have to list each
seperate subdomain. I might have found a solution with using pound but
haven't tested yet with still have squid being a proxy......Could it
also be a problem that i defined the default host?
Appreciate the Help