On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 3:27 PM, Henrik Nordstrom<henrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:> On sön, 2008-06-29 at 10:15 -0500, Nick Lehman wrote:>> I figured out what was happening. I ended up doing a chown to the>> squid user on those files. Now I'm having another issue. None of the>> sites that I have blacklists for under squidguard are being blocked.>> I see the 4 processes running along side squid, but nothing is being>> block. Even the expression filters in the squid config are being>> ignored.>> Usually it's for the same reasons, permission issues. If SquidGuard> detects a proble with it's configuration it enters passthru mode letting> all requests pass..>> Check your cache.log, at around the time where Squid starts SquidGuard..>> And doublecheck that your cache_effective_user has read permission on> the SquidGuard configuration data.>> Regards> Henrik> Still no luck. I checked everything (cache log doesn't get created)and it's all accessible. the contents of the squidGuard directoriesare owned by the squid user. I'm at a point now where I get "proxyrefusing connections" I notice that squid starts and then shortlythere after stops. Did a -X and it appears to have taken the config.I'm out of ideas.