we have a problem with a (it would originally seem) rather simple setup ...
A server is running 2.6.(20), multiple SSL certs take care of incoming
connections on different ports for multiple servers. Servers are then
referenced through a local redirect which replaces the original names
sent to Squid with the internal HTTP addresses and ports. So far,
everything works fine.
Anyway, the problem begins with the authentication. While the auth works
fine for anything like IE, Firefox, Opera and the likes on regular PCs,
authentication itself works when someone connects using a mobile client
(Windows Mobile), but as soon as not a get but a post is issued
accessing any forms on the IIS app, the user auth isn't sent anymore, so
all I get is the 401 ...
I think I've read something on the net sometime somewhere, where a
patch/change in the source would be required to correctly hand through
auth requests from that crappy IIS ... but after many google searches, I
just can't seem to find anything sufficient ...
Any help appreciated ...