tis 2008-06-24 klockan 21:49 +0800 skrev Roy M.: > But as a reverse proxy, a client shouldn't expect to connect to > reverse proxy for a long time, Depends on the kind of site you have. If it's a site people are interested in and continue browsing then they hopefully stay for more than 10 minutes. But if it's a "drive by" site which does not attract any serious attention from the users then they probably go away quickly.. > so the settings client_lifetime 10 > minute is also valid? I would disagree. If it's a site people browse around on then you'll want to have persistent connections enabled, and then the connection lifetime can be as long as they are visiting the site plus some.. Additionally, if you provide any form of downloads then low bandwidth clients is very likely to exceed 10 minutes even for a single request. Regards Henrik