Hi On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 5:55 AM, Henrik Nordstrom <henrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > It's generally a lot better if you make the web server send the proper > headers than trying to tweak things using refresh_pattern. Proper > headers works for all, refresh_pattern just for your Squid.. > I have much clear concepts now, thanks. My remaining problem is related to those files which do not have expire set from backend (only LM begin set) 1. I found that if a file only has LM being sent out, the browser seems to cache the file forever and won't request the server until you press F5, is it true? 2. Squid will not cache for a file if expire has not been set, is it true? 3. The prioiry of client sending cache-control, max-age=0 is higher than IMS and must force contacting the backend to refresh (i.e. not 304 but 200). Thanks again. Howard