> Hi, > > I'm experimenting with ESI & Squid 3 configured as a reverse-proxy. > I'd appreciate it if anyone could help with the questions below... > > * Is Squid + ESI being used in production? It's a bit before my time but I believe the initial sponsors were using it. At least until development on it stopped. > Should I expect problems if > I decide to deploy with ESI? The current state is not suitable for full-scale production use. Most of the open bugs against 3.0 are ESI related and I think you should expect to hit them for now. It appears to be usable in small very particular situations so testing is well worth it. A month ago we had one volunteer look into some of the bugs. But there has been no word recently. I hope he is still chipping away. > > * Is there a way to use relative URLs inside an ESI include tag? For > example, this fails: > > <esi:include src="/foo.html" /> > esi:include has several known problems. Some major. I would not be surprised if that is another not yet mentioned in bugzilla. > * Are there ways to set cache policy apart from what is defined in the > "Surrogate-Control" headers sent by the browser? I may be completely wrong but I would expect Cache-Control to work normally on individual objects. In addition to Surrogate-Control. Amos