> I wonder why don't you want to cache the rest. squid is here to cache, why > not to do it? If there are problems with caching any data that should not > be cached, it's caused by broken headers and can be fixed either on server, > or on squid's side. It's actually caused by a broken application! We are caching because each page call causes something like 150-200 calls to the database. So we cache the most visited pages, and leave the rest to be very slow. The problem being that a number of modules won't function at all if cached, so we either get rid of them everywhere, and seriously reduce the functionality provided by the application, or just cache a few, highly visited pages. So what I need is to be able to do is like you can with mod_cache, i.e., CacheEnable disk /these/pages CacheEnable disk /those/pages/there And get extremely good performance for these pages, while at the same time leaving the db and app servers more power to serve the pages we aren't caching. It seems to be working pretty well now, and it means one less app to maintain (squid), but squid is certainly a much more tested and stable solution, so if you have an easy fix to do what I want I'm all ears! Cheers Anton -- echo '16i[q]sa[ln0=aln100%Pln100/snlbx]sbA0D4D465452snlbxq' | dc This will help you for 99.9% of your problems ...