This bit interests me! > HTTP I/O > number of reads: 813824372 > Read Histogram: > 1- 1: 310663 0% > 2- 2: 71517 0% > 3- 4: 1025321 0% > 5- 8: 188273 0% > 9- 16: 4468523 1% > 17- 32: 2097543 0% > 33- 64: 1434866 0% > 65- 128: 5031256 1% > 129- 256: 17359412 2% > 257- 512: 81963575 10% > 513- 1024: 50391587 6% > 1025- 2048: 576071058 71% > 2049- 4096: 41890247 5% > 4097- 8192: 16123787 2% > 8193-16384: 4987913 1% > 16385-32768: 1464310 0% All the caches I've been told about thus far have a HTTP IO read peak at around 1k to 2k. I'm going to try and add client-side read/write histograms to see whats going on there, but before I do - could people please take a look at their cachemgr output and see whether their read histogram looks somewhat like this? I'm very interested if the read histogram looks like this and you're running a HTTP accelerator (ie, with the -servers- close to Squid, with a low RTT like ethernet.) Adrian -- - Xenion - - VPS Hosting - Commercial Squid Support - - $25/pm entry-level VPSes w/ capped bandwidth charges available in WA -