Hello there... I am looking to setup a transparent cache for a non-profit with a slow internet connection. I decided I would try and setup a transparent squid cache for home use first and use that knowledge to build a transparent cache for the non-profit. I want squid to be able to cache pages over the slow link as well as block access to inappropriate adult sites etc. I picked up the O?Reilly book on Squid but I still have some questions on hardware setup. The one page blurb on hardware setup tells me nothing really. I was expecting a lot more information on this. Even after searching thru the FAQ files, it?s still unclear to me on what I need to do hardware setup wise. Does the squid server have to go in line someplace in the hardware chain or can it just be plugged into the router or switch? I currently have the following home setup: Cable Modem ? Wireless Router ? Switch ? Several Home Computers Where does my squid sever need to sit? Between the modem and router? Just plug it into my switch? For the non-profit their setup is: Limited DSL connection ? Router ? Switch ? Office Computers Where do I place the squid server? Just plug it into the current switch or does it have to go in-line between the Router and Switch? (Pass thru the Squid box with two nics?) I appreciate any help/mentoring with my project. All the best, Chris Ann Arbor, MI USA syslock@xxxxxxxxxxx