James Wenzel wrote:
I have a squid server in front of oracle applications. Everything
works fine, up until oracle forms pops up a window of its own and
tries to contact mybox.company.com:9000. If I go there directly I can
get there, but for some reason the forms, which i believe is java, can
not. Anyone have any experience, or suggestions on how to get this to
go? My config is as follows:
http_port 8000 accel defaultsite=mybox.company.com:8000
http_port 9000 accel defaultsite=mybox.company.com:9000
cache_peer parent 8000 0 no-query originserver name=oauth
cache_peer parent 9000 0 no-query originserver name=oapp
acl app urlpath_regex ^:9000/*
You might have better luck using a "port" or a "myport" acl here, as I
don't think the :9000 is going to be part of the urlpath. To the best
of my knowledge the urlpath is everything after the first /.
cache_peer_access oapp allow app
cache_peer_access oauth deny app
James Wenzel
Enterprise Resource Providers
716 310 8236