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Re: Squid won't load certain pages.

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On Wed, Apr 09, 2008, C. Ham wrote:
> Like &

Is that reproducable for you 100%? If so, could you please take a wireshark/tcpdump
snapshot of the traffic exchange from server to Squid and then put it into the
Squid bugzilla?



> for a
> start.  Both load fine if I bypass Squid, but neither will load properly
> if I try and retrieve them via Squid.  They'll take between 5 & 15
> minutes to arrive and when they do, the content is usually partial and
> the layout decidedly wrong.
> I've trawled though all the usual: ECN, tcp windows, OS specific things
> and have set Wireshark loose on it.  The networks dumps just show Yahoo
> mail working fine for the initial logon and subsequent referrals, but as
> soon as it leaves the SSL session having verified the session
> authentication and tries to retrieve the actual mail front page,
> ( for
> example) it slows to a crawl.  Other than the speed I can't see anything
> actually going wrong.
> I also get this on a variety of other sites, especially
> and sometimes 
> Any help would be much appreciated as I've got disgruntled students /
> tutors / staff and I'm very much in need of gruntling them again.  If
> that's a word.  If not, I'll settle for quietening them down.
> Thanks,
> Callum.
> Stuff of note:
> Browsers: IE 6.x & Firefox 2.0.X
> Fedora Core 7.
> Kernel  on an i686 - Intel(R) Xeon - GNU/Linux.
> squid-2.6.STABLE16-4.fc7 (Fc7 rpm).
> Non defaults from squid.conf:
> http_port
> hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
> acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \? showFolder asp 
> no_cache deny QUERY
> cache_mem 512 MB
> cache_swap_low 50
> cache_swap_high 95
> maximum_object_size 8192 KB
> cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 10000 16 256
> cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid2 10000 16 256
> cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log
> debug_options ALL,3
> dns_nameservers
> redirect_program /usr/bin/squidGuard -c /etc/squid/squidGuard.conf
> auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_auth -R -b
> "dc=quack,dc=org,dc=local" -D
> "cn=LDAP_guest,OU=ADMIN,DC=quack,DC=org,DC=local" -w "XXXXXX" -f
> sAMAccountName=%s -h
>     auth_param basic children 5
>     auth_param basic realm "Donkey Centre"
>     auth_param basic credentialsttl 5 minutes
> auth_param basic children 5
> auth_param basic realm Squid proxy-caching web server
> auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
> auth_param basic casesensitive off
> external_acl_type InetUsersGroup %LOGIN /usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_group
> -R -b "dc=quack,dc=org,dc=local" -D
> "cn=LDAP_guest,OU=ADMIN,DC=quack,DC=org,DC=local" -w "XXXXXX" -f
> "(&(objectclass=person)(sAMAccountName=%v)(memberof=cn=%
> a,ou=users,dc=quack,dc=org,dc=local))" -h
> refresh_pattern ^ftp:		1440	20%	10080
> refresh_pattern ^gopher:	1440	0%	1440
> refresh_pattern .		0	20%	4320
> acl all src
> acl manager proto cache_object
> acl localhost src
> acl to_localhost dst
> acl SSL_ports port 443 563 2083
> acl localip src
> acl PURGE method PURGE
> acl apache src
> acl localnet proxy_auth REQUIRED src
> acl InetAccess external InetUsersGroup SquidUsers
> acl CONNECT method CONNECT
> http_access allow PURGE localhost
> http_access allow manager localip
> http_access allow manager apache
> http_access allow InetAccess
> http_access deny manager
> http_access deny !Safe_ports
> http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
> acl our_networks src
> http_access allow our_networks
> http_access allow localhost
> http_access deny all
> http_reply_access allow all
> icp_access allow all
> cache_mgr postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> mail_from squid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> visible_hostname
> cachemgr_passwd XXXXXX all
> coredump_dir /var/spool/squid
> Excerpt from cache.log following request for
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| fwdConnectStart:
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| fwdConnectStart: got addr, tos 0
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| fd_open FD 39
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataLock: 0x8cdd798
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| commSetTimeout: FD 39 timeout 60
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| commConnectStart: FD 39,
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataLock: 0x8cdd798
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataLock: 0x8cdd7e8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataLock: 0x8cdd7e8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataValid: 0x8cdd7e8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| ipcacheCycleAddr: now at
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataUnlock: 0x8cdd7e8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataUnlock: 0x8cdd798
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| storeUnlockObject: key
> '27D91622B3E024FF88542C1541F6B2D3' count=3
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataFree: 0x8bec610
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataFree: Freeing 0x8bec610
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataUnlock: 0x8d094a8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataUnlock: 0x8d8c0e0
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataFree: 0x8bd9a90
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataFree: Freeing 0x8bd9a90
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataFree: 0x8d127a0
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataFree: 0x8d127a0 has 1 locks, not freeing
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataUnlock: 0x8d127a0
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataUnlock: Freeing 0x8d127a0
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| comm_select: timeout 488
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataUnlock: 0x8cdd7e8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| commSetTimeout: FD 39 timeout -1
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| commConnectFree: FD 39
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataFree: 0x8cdd7e8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataFree: Freeing 0x8cdd7e8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataValid: 0x8cdd798
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| fwdConnectDone: FD 39:
> ''
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| fwdDispatch: FD 34: Fetching 'GET
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| httpStart: "GET
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| storeLockObject: key
> '27D91622B3E024FF88542C1541F6B2D3' count=4
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataLock: 0x8cead28
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| commSetTimeout: FD 39 timeout 86400
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| getMaxAge:
> ''
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataLock: 0x8cead28
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataUnlock: 0x8cdd798
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| comm_select: timeout 433
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataValid: 0x8cead28
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| commSetTimeout: FD 39 timeout 900
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataUnlock: 0x8cead28
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| comm_select: timeout 433
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| ctx: enter level  0:
> ''
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| httpProcessReplyHeader: key
> '27D91622B3E024FF88542C1541F6B2D3'
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| httpProcessReplyHeader: HTTP CODE: 200
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| storeExpireNow: '27D91622B3E024FF88542C1541F6B2D3'
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| storeGet: looking up
> 88ECBC523E9AEA95834A7F145E64EC69
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| storeGet: looking up
> 199F1E34B1E329E02396FA9A41720E7A
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| ctx: exit level  0
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| InvokeHandlers: 27D91622B3E024FF88542C1541F6B2D3
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| InvokeHandlers: checking client #0
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataLock: 0x8d87958
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| storeClientCopy2: 27D91622B3E024FF88542C1541F6B2D3
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| storeClientCopy3: Copying from memory
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataValid: 0x8d094a8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| clientBuildReplyHeader: can't keep-alive, unknown
> body size
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataLock: 0x88e9558
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataLock: 0x8d8c0e0
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| aclMatchAclList: checking all
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl all src'
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| aclMatchIp: '' found
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| aclMatchAclList: returning 1
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| httpReplyBodyBuildSize: Setting maxBodySize to 0
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataUnlock: 0x8d8c0e0
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataUnlock: 0x88e9558
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataFree: 0x8bd9a90
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataFree: Freeing 0x8bd9a90
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| clientSendMoreHeaderData: Appending 1628 bytes
> after 414 bytes of headers
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataLock: 0x8d094a8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataValid: 0x8d094a8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataValid: 0x8d094a8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataValid: 0x8d094a8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataLock: 0x88e9a18
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataLock: 0x8d8c0e0
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataLock: 0x8cd8750
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataValid: 0x88e9a18
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| aclCheck: checking 'http_reply_access allow all'
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| aclMatchAclList: checking all
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl all src'
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| aclMatchIp: '' found
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| aclMatchAclList: returning 1
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| aclCheck: match found, returning 1
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataUnlock: 0x88e9a18
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| aclCheckCallback: answer=1
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataValid: 0x8cd8750
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataValid: 0x8d094a8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| The reply for GET
> is
> ALLOWED, because it matched 'all'
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataValid: 0x8d094a8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataFree: 0x8cd8750
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataFree: 0x8cd8750 has 1 locks, not freeing
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataValid: 0x8d094a8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataLock: 0x8d094a8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataUnlock: 0x8d094a8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataUnlock: 0x8cd8750
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataUnlock: Freeing 0x8cd8750
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataUnlock: 0x8d8c0e0
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataFree: 0x8bd9a90
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataFree: Freeing 0x8bd9a90
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataUnlock: 0x8d094a8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| cbdataUnlock: 0x8d87958
> 2008/04/08 15:57:00| commSetTimeout: FD 39 timeout 900
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| comm_select: timeout 350
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| cbdataValid: 0x8d094a8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| storeClientCopy: 27D91622B3E024FF88542C1541F6B2D3,
> seen 2042, want 2042, size 4096, cb 0x806cc8f, cbdata 0x8d094a8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| cbdataLock: 0x8d094a8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| cbdataLock: 0x8d87958
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| storeClientCopy2: 27D91622B3E024FF88542C1541F6B2D3
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| storeClientCopy3: Waiting for more
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| cbdataUnlock: 0x8d87958
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| cbdataUnlock: 0x8d094a8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| comm_select: timeout 350
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| fd_open FD 76 HTTP Request
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| cbdataLock: 0x88e58a8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| cbdataLock: 0x8db16e8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| commSetTimeout: FD 76 timeout 300
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| aclMatchAclList: checking all
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl all src'
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| aclMatchIp: '' found
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| aclMatchAclList: returning 1
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| comm_select: timeout 331
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| cbdataLock: 0x8db16e8
> 2008/04/08 15:57:01| parseHttpRequest: req_hdr = {Host:
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-GB; rv:
> Gecko/20080325 Fedora/ Firefox/
> Accept: image/png,*/*;q=0.5
> Accept-Language: en-gb
> Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
> Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
> Keep-Alive: 300
> Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
> Referer:
> Proxy-Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
> }

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