Here is my log file during an http get on the two url :
And no foo doesn't exist on server1 you've right !
[su1008@devmk conf.d]# tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log
==> /var/log/squid/access.log <==
1207671734.172 18 my_client TCP_MISS/200 21291 GET
http://squidproxy/ - FIRST_UP_PARENT/ipserver1 text/html
1207671734.344 0 my_client TCP_IMS_HIT/304 327 GET
http://squidproxy/css/inria.css - NONE/- text/css
1207671734.514 169 my_client TCP_IMS_HIT/304 328 GET
http://squidproxy/css/img/fond1024.gif - NONE/- image/gif
1207671734.603 88 my_client TCP_IMS_HIT/304 348 GET
http://squidproxy/flash/inria.swf - NONE/- application/x-shockwave-flash
1207671740.172 522 my_client TCP_NEGATIVE_HIT/404 1880 GET
http://squidproxy/foo/ - NONE/- text/html
1207671740.401 0 my_client TCP_NEGATIVE_HIT/404 4525 GET
http://squidproxy/Icones/pictotrans.gif - NONE/- text/html
==> /var/log/squid/cache.log <==
2008/04/08 18:23:26| temporary disabling (Not Found) digest from ipserver1
2008/04/08 18:24:26| temporary disabling (Not Found) digest from ipserver2
Henrik Nordstrom a écrit :
tis 2008-04-08 klockan 15:07 +0200 skrev Mathieu Kretchner:
I browse it with firefox, the web server is apache and the 3 OS (client
and 2 servers) are linux.
So it should work well, but it don't and when I swap the 2 ip_server I
can see server2 but not server1 in foo directory ?
What does access.log say?
Anything in cache.log?
And does foo exists on server1?
fn:Mathieu Kretchner
adr;dom:;;2007 route des lucioles - BP93;Sophia Antipolis;;06902 CEDEX
tel;work:04 92 38 76 67