Hi There, This is my first message to the list. I had been working with Squid for the last 3 months and until now I could do everything I wanted without help. Now I have a problem and so far could not resolve it by myself, hope someone here knows how to solve it.. I just upgraded from 2.6Stable5 to 3.0Stable2. I was authenticating users using LDAP, and this stopped working since I did the upgrade. If I take out all the related commands about LDAP from the config, the Squid runs OK. I tried manually to execute squid_ldap_group and is working fine also. The symptom is that the authentication popup never comes up, I just receive a "Denied Access" message. Here is what I have configured: auth_param basic program /usr/local/squid/libexec/squid_ldap_auth -d -v 3 -b "dc=[host],dc=[domain],dc=com" -D "cn=squid,cn=users,dc=[host],dc=[domain],dc=com" -w [password] -f sAMAccountName=%s -h Server_IP auth_param basic children 5 auth_param basic realm XXXXXXXXX auth_param basic credentialsttl 5 minutes external_acl_type busca_el_grupo %LOGIN /usr/local/squid/libexec/squid_ldap_group -v 3 -R -b "dc=[host],dc=[domain],dc=com" -D "cn=squid,cn=users,dc=[host],dc=[domain],dc=com" -w [password] -f "(&(objectclass=person)(sAMAccountName=%v)(memberof=CN=%a,CN=Users,dc=[host],dc=[domain],dc=com))" -h Server IP acl Internet external busca_el_grupo [group] acl ldap_auth proxy_auth REQUIRED http_access allow Internet http_access allow ldap_auth Debug (ALL,5): 2008/03/14 08:25:16.238| ACLChecklist::preCheck: 0xd44368 checking 'http_access allow Internet' 2008/03/14 08:25:16.239| ACLList::matches: checking Internet 2008/03/14 08:25:16.239| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'Internet' 2008/03/14 08:25:16.239| authenticateValidateUser: Auth_user_request was NULL! 2008/03/14 08:25:16.239| authenticateAuthenticate: broken auth or no proxy_auth header. Requesting auth header. 2008/03/14 08:25:16.239| aclMatchAcl: returning 0 sending authentication challenge. 2008/03/14 08:25:16.239| aclMatchExternal: busca_el_grupo user not authenticated (0) 2008/03/14 08:25:16.239| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'Internet' is 0 2008/03/14 08:25:16.239| ACLList::matches: result is false 2008/03/14 08:25:16.240| aclmatchAclList: 0xd44368 returning false (AND list entry failed to match) 2008/03/14 08:25:16.241| ACLChecklist::markFinished: 0xd44368 checklist processing finished 2008/03/14 08:25:16.241| aclmatchAclList: async=1 nodeMatched=0 async_in_progress=0 lastACLResult() = 0 finished() = 1 2008/03/14 08:25:16.241| ACLChecklist::check: 0xd44368 match found, calling back with 2 2008/03/14 08:25:16.241| ACLChecklist::checkCallback: 0xd44368 answer=2 2008/03/14 08:25:16.241| The request GET http://www.gmail.com/ is DENIED, because it matched 'Internet' 2008/03/14 08:25:16.241| Access Denied: http://www.gmail.com/ 2008/03/14 08:25:16.241| AclMatchedName = Internet 2008/03/14 08:25:16.241| Proxy Auth Message = <null> 2008/03/14 08:25:16.243| storeCreateEntry: 'http://www.gmail.com/' 2008/03/14 08:25:16.244| store.cc(366) new StoreEntry 0xbde8498 2008/03/14 08:25:16.244| MemObject.cc(76) new MemObject 0x9cf80ec 2008/03/14 08:25:16.246| storeKeyPrivate: GET http://www.gmail.com/ 2008/03/14 08:25:16.246| StoreEntry::hashInsert: Inserting Entry 0xbde8498 key '4701868D6A5B27EE086C4E1DA47B76D2' 2008/03/14 08:25:16.247| StoreEntry::setReleaseFlag: '4701868D6A5B27EE086C4E1DA47B76D2' 2008/03/14 08:25:16.247| Creating an error page for entry 0xb7de8498 with errorstate 0x9d97a98 page id 20 Any help will be much apreciated. Thanks in advance! Matias.