Nicole wrote:
On 12-Mar-08 My Secret NSA Wiretap Overheard kk CHN Saying :
People ;
I installed squid 2.6 stable for my Webserver(FreeBSD-6.2 ,1 GB Ram)
, where I runs a Plone 2.5 site on Zope2.9 .With other applications
such as postfix,mailman etc .
Squid-->Apache 2.2-->zope
(Previosly it was apache -->>zope ;But it was too slow so I put squid
as http accelerator)
this setup worked fine for a couple of weeks ,
but yesetday my site became very slow again , I restarted squid
,apache, and zope server again , but for some time(nearly 20 minutes
) it will be fast after that again became slow .
What may be the issue , ? how can I improve the speed ?
This is my TOP out put
Any hints most welcome :
Thanks in advance
Interesting that you have two devfs file systems, I have never seen one
dedicated to named before.
The FreeBSD 6.0+ startup scripts run named in a chroot jail by default,
and as named requires access to /dev in order to operate properly, the
startup scripts create a secondary devfs mount for the named chroot. So
this can be considered quite normal...
You may like to run "gstat" and "top -mio" to monitor what your disk IO
is like. Running "systat -v" can also be informative.