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Re: Squid-2, Squid-3, roadmap

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On Feb 26, 2008, at 7:30 PM, Mark Nottingham wrote:

Hello Squid folk,

I maintain Yahoo!'s internal build of Squid, and serve as a resource for the various Y! properties that use it.

We currently only use Squid-2, and don't have plans to migrate to Squid-3; although ESI, ICAP as well as eCAP look interesting, there are too many critical features (e.g., collapsed fowarding, refresh stale hit, full Vary/ETag support, not to mention several things in 2.7DEVEL0) missing for us to use it. Additionally, anecdotal evidence shows that it's still too unstable and slow for production use where these aspects are important; or at least, there is enough doubt about them to make switching too risky for too little benefit.

I like to emphasize what for me is the killer feature in Squid-3. The Surrogate-Control header that comes with the ESI support. The ability to aggressively manage the caching behavior of a reverse-proxy cache (aka surrogate) without contaminating the Cache-Control header would be real handy. I'm still using Squid-2 because of the above mentioned concerns but I'm salivating.


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