Hello Rodrigo, hello all!
I'm trying to implement the per user access restriction using Squid. I've
put the acls for each user in a seperate file like user-acl.txt. For
example, my `guest-acl.txt' looks like:
acl guest_ip dst some-ip/32
acl guest_mail dstdom_regex mail.google* www.
acl guest_dom dstdomain .google.com
http_access allow guest_ip
http_access allow guest_mail
http_access allow guest_dom
So the `guest' user will only be allowed to access <some-ip> and her
gmail account.
Now, I've quite a few such files. What I'd like to have is I just include
these files into the squid.conf file like
include <guest-acl.txt>
include <root-acl.txt>
include <gobman-acl.txt>
And depending upon which one is commented/uncommented squid would
include the acls from the respective files(Snort does it really well).
I'm trying to do this with the `acl external' & `external_acl_type', but
don't see any light so far.
Could you please tell me if this can be done, and how if yes? One more
thing is, I can not use squid for authentication, I've to use something
else for that.
Thank you!
- Prasad