Does this mean the server is behaving wrong ? It is a out of the box Apache
2 install (except the authentication module).
Or must the browser send in that case Proxy-Authorization AND
WWW-Authorization (e.g Firefox does whereas IE7 does not) ?
Or should squid stay with Proxy-connection: keep-alive independent of the
Content length ?
Thank you
"Henrik Nordström" <henrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
sön 2008-02-24 klockan 14:43 +0000 skrev Markus Moeller:
I have a setup where I authenticate to squid with Negotiate and then I
authenticate to an apache web server with Negotiate.
The problem I have is that to a web server running on Solaris it works,
to another on Linux it doesn't. The only difference I can see is that when
go to the Solaris web server I see a Proxy-connection: keep-alive header
whereas with the Linux server I get Proxy-connection: close
What/Who determines the selection of close or keep-alive ?
The key difference is the Content-Length header, sent by your web server
on the Sun, but not the one on Suse..