kk CHN wrote:
People: I tam using squid 2.6 in my freeBSD-6.1 machine , as http accelerator on port :80 I edited my start up script (/usr/loca/etc/rc.d/squid) for squid-user as root ,//because its not starting as user "squid" for port 80. : Q1 : is editing startup script to change user as " root" okay ?
Yes squid will reduce its user level to minimal after it has setup properly.
I have a few questions below this : Let me ask your comments on those questions whenever I am doing a sockstat -4p 80 I am getting max # sockstat -4p 80 USER COMMAND PID FD PROTO LOCAL ADDRESS FOREIGN ADDRESS www httpd 1394 3 tcp4 *:* squid squid 1392 9 tcp4 2xx.1xx.2xx.xxx:80 squid squid 1392 11 tcp4 2xx.1xx.2xx.xxx:80 *:* squid squid 1392 14 tcp4 2xx.1xx.2xx.xxx:80 squid squid 1392 15 tcp4 2xx.1xx.2xx.xxx:80 squid squid 1392 16 tcp4 squid squid 1392 17 tcp4 2xx.1xx.2xx.xxx:80 www httpd 503 3 tcp4 *:* www httpd 503 22 tcp4 www httpd 502 3 tcp4 *:* www httpd 501 3 tcp4 *:* root httpd 495 3 tcp4 *:* max# here squid shows squid squid 1392 16 tcp4 Q 2: why the port number 58926 here? it should be 80 right?
No. That is the OUT side of squid, connecting from large random port to localhost:80 IN side of the www server.
Q 3 : How can I check the foreign addresses connected to port :80 are spammers OR not ?
http://www.surbl.org/ http://www.spamhaus.org/zen/
Q: 4 if they are spammers how to deny them?
Up to you.
Q :5 this is my squid folder but it not showing any cache dirs why?
What does your squid.conf say about "cache_dir"?
max# cd /usr/local/squid/ max# ls cache logs max# cd cache/ max# ls none squid.core max#
I think from that you have probably created a cache_dir named "none" :-( Amos -- Please use Squid 2.6STABLE17+ or 3.0STABLE1+ There are serious security advisories out on all earlier releases.