Adam Carter wrote:
Are you running it as root?
I's say he is - I have a fedora 8 box (squid is not actually used on
this box AFAIK);
[cartera@fedora8vm ~]$ service squid start
sed: can't read /etc/squid/squid.conf: Permission denied
init_cache_dir /var/spool/squid... /etc/init.d/squid: line 68:
/var/log/squid/squid.out: Permission denied
Starting squid: /etc/init.d/squid: line 72: /var/log/squid/squid.out:
Permission denied
[cartera@fedora8vm ~]$ su
[root@fedora8vm cartera]# service squid start
init_cache_dir /var/spool/squid... Starting squid: . [ OK ]
[root@fedora8vm cartera]#
Steve, can you post the output of 'netstat -anp | grep 81' (it should
find nothing).
Well, in light of a the absent common problems. I'm reminded of a long
debug we did earlier where it turned out to be SELinux issues. Is the
security setting there protecting the <1024 ports seperately.
Please use Squid 2.6STABLE17+ or 3.0STABLE1+
There are serious security advisories out on all earlier releases.